Investment planning Services
Plan your investment, plan your life –
The difference between a right or a not so right investment decision could be up to 30% difference in your ROI.
The right investment choice is based on multiple factors including your age, risk potential, type of goals among
others. A skillful investor is the one who can match investable money to the investments option according to
your profile, priority, need, expectation and time duration.
Why the need for investment planning
Here are some real life scenarios –
You have a surplus money and you decided to invest it for 6 months. But you ended up choosing the
investment option that is best suited for few years of time horizon and accordingly the returns are not stable for
6 months. The whole purpose of investment is crashed, and you became averse to investing in future.
Sometimes you put your money in an investment option which doesn’t allow you to take out your money for
say 3 years.
You have surplus amount say 500000 to invest, you have an important event in six months where you would
need to spend 20% amount, what investment option should you choose? Should you break up the amount is 2
parts, 80% for long term return and 20% for short term, so go with just one option?
Investment process is very simple, but for most people, it’s an alien thing. Because of lack of awareness, the
investment is either stuck, is not giving expected returns or making losses.
Investment planning simplifies this process, you have a clear expectation of your returns, the lock in period, it
takes your need into account, you emergencies are covered, you have money with you when you need it the
most leading to a comfortable and sustainable life.
Steps to investment planning?
Identification of investor’s profile
Analyzing the priority, need, expectations and time duration of the investments to be made
Choose the best suited investment option and the best suited way of making the investment(regularly, one
time, periodically)
Call to action –
Have some queries? Talk to an investment expert now
Investment planning Services
Money Can Roll > Investment planning Services